About Us


The STAC Movement (Steadily Taking Action CASH’in {Collecting Assets Soaring Higher}) is a subsidiary of Generational Wealth Builders Global Movement (GWBGM, LLC) “Get Your Passport”. We are here to Eradicate the P.O.O.R…. Mentality! Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly. We endeavor to Creatively Inspire through EDUTAINMENT in its many forms. We aim to educate by sharing information while providing cutting-edge, Technology-Driven tools to assist in empowering individuals and their businesses to create a limitless stream of future customers linked to their goods and/or services.

We hold that each individual man, woman, and child has been endowed with “excellent seed”; a diamond mind that exists within them. We hold that Wealth and Poverty are both Mindsets based on Beliefs. Beliefs develop into Mentalities; Mentalities manifest in Attitude. Attitude determines Altitude. Like a plane after liftoff, the pilot (You) steadily makes simple adjustments in trajectory (mindset), forging through turbulence (life’s challenges) to reach the intended destination.

The STAC Life Design:

Every Individual Man or Woman (w/or w/o child)…

What are you Feeding; or will be Feeding your Child, Within This Time?

Ultimately, an individual could only provide what they have to offer; their maximum capacity.

What the individual ingests; physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, develops the capacity of resources used to feed the child.

The Child, likewise for the business owner, entrepreneur, and non-profit organization owner…

What are you feeding Your Business, Within This Time?

You are your Business; Your Business is an Extension of You!

Personal Development is more than just the Breakfast of Champions, it provides the “Essentials” needed to not just Survive, but Thrive!

The STAC Movement was birthed in 2014 a Business Training entitled, The 10 STAC Commandments.This training was created to assist Generational Wealth Builders who endeavor to lay a financial foundation for their children’s, children’s, children.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, home-based business, traditional business owner, investor, blue/white collar worker, from having a GED to a PhD or just released from the DOC…

We support Your Ineligible Right to “STAC Up!” and Create Legacy Wealth for You & Your Families.

  • The STAC Movement
    The STAC Movement
  • The STAC Movement
    The STAC Movement